Sunday, 22 August 2010

SuperCollider workshop in Bergen

Tuesday 28. September – Friday 1. October, Bergen, Norway

BEK, the Bergen center for electronic arts, invites musicians, programmers and composers to a four-days workshop focusing on the software MODALITY. It’s free to attend, but you have to cover your own travel and stay.

Modality is a tool for building electro-instruments in SuperCollider under construction by Jeff Carey og Bjørnar Habbestad. The workshop will elucidate this development through presentations, discussions and open code-sessions.

Invited participants are Jeff Carey, Alberto di Campo, Wouter Snoei and Marije Baalman, Trond Lossius and Bjørnar Habbestad. themes to be covered are: Modal Control strategies, sensor input, DBAP spatialisation, Proxy Space, Quark, Mapping strategies etc.

The workshop is open for participants skilled in working with SuperCollider.

Contact BEK v/ Lars Ove Toft for registration.

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