- Banks, J.D. ; Berg, P. ; Rowe, R. ; Theriault, D.: SSP : a bi-parametric approach to sound synthesis (Sonological reports ; no. 5)
- Bayle, François: Erosphère
- Beauchamp, James W.: A computer system for time-variant harmonic analysis and synthesis of musical tones (Technical report ; no. 15 / University of Illinois, School of Music, Experimental Music Studio)
- Beauchamp, James W.: A report on the Magnavox sponsored research investigation ”The development of new electronic systems for generating musical sound” (Technical report ; no. 10 / University of Illinois, School of Music, Experimental Music Studio)
- Beauchamp, James W.: A statement of progress on the research investigation, ’Generation and creation of new electronic sounds’
- Bennett, Gerald: Research at IRCAM in 1978 (Rapports IRCAM ; 19/79)
- Bilbao, Stefan: Numerical sound synthesis : finite difference schemes and simulation in musical acoustics
- Bjurman, Jens: Elektronmusikstudion : ett förteckningsarbete
- Bjurman, Jens: EMS arkivförteckning
- Bäckström, Per: Vårt brokigas ochellericke! : om experimentell poesi
- Cooke, Lynne & Kelly, Karen (red.): Max Neuhaus : Times Square, Time Piece Beacon
- Demers, Joanna: Listening through the noise : the aesthetics of experimental electronic music
- Fucks, Wilhelm: Mathematische Analyse der Formalstruktur von Musik (Forschungsberichte des Wirtschafts- und Verkehrsministeriums Nordrhein-Westfalen ; Nr. 357)
- Gardner, John: Computer facilities for music at IRCAM, as of October, 1977 (Rapports IRCAM ; 3/78)
- Hansen, Sven & Wedin, Aaby: Mikrofoner för TV-film (Tekniska Utbildningens serie / Sveriges Radio ; nr 6)
- Hiller, Lejaren A.: Report on contemporary experimental music, 1961 (Technical report ; no. 4 / University of Illinois, School of Music, Experimental Music Studio)
- Hiller, Lejaren A.: Seven electronic studies for two-channel tape recorder (1963) (Technical report ; no. 6 / University of Illinois, School of Music, Experimental Music Studio)
- IRCAM: Annual report 1990
- Jensen, Erik Granly & LaBelle, Brandon: Radio territories
- Küpper, Leo: Couleurs sinusoidales et potentiels d’attraction des sons sinusoidaux
- Nyquist, Bengt & Valentin, Karl-Otto: Musikteknik (Tekniska Utbildningens serie / Sveriges Radio ; nr 12)
- Nösselt, Volker: Die Tonhöhenbewegungsinformation und ihre Perzeptionsverhaltensweisen in Geräuschen : intern rapport : Maart 1966. Deel I
- Nösselt, Volker: Die Tonhöhenbewegungsinformation und ihre Perzeptionsverhaltensweisen in Geräuschen : intern rapport : Maart 1966. Deel II
- Peters, G. David: Research and development in computer-assisted instruction in music at the University of Illinois
- Reynolds, Roger: Explorations in sound/space manipulation, I (1975) (Reports from the center : an occasional series of publications by the Center for Music Experiment and Related Research, University of California at San Diego ; vol. 1, no.1)
- Risset, Jean-Claude: Hauteur et timbre des sons (Rapports IRCAM ; 11/78)
- Risset, Jean-Claude: Paradoxes de hauteur (Rapports IRCAM ; 10/78)
- Rydbeck, Olof: I maktens närhet : diplomat, radiochef, FN-ämbetsman
- Sicko, Dan: Techno rebels : the renegades of electronic funk
- Statens kulturråd: Uppföljning av Access (Kulturrådets skriftserie 2010:1)
- Stenberg, Ulf: Den allvarsamme skrattaren
- Struycken, Peter: Linarc (Sonological reports ; no. 3)
- Toop, David: Sinister resonance : the mediumship of the listener
- Trautmann, Lutz & Rabenstein, Rudolf: Digital sound synthesis by physical modeling using the functional transformation method
Saturday, 21 August 2010
New books in EMS' library
Please note that some of these "new" books (especially the reports on sound synthesis) are in fact old ones, found in EMS' archives.
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