Saturday, 21 August 2010

New books in EMS' library

Please note that some of these "new" books (especially the reports on sound synthesis) are in fact old ones, found in EMS' archives.
  • Banks, J.D. ; Berg, P. ; Rowe, R. ; Theriault, D.: SSP : a bi-parametric approach to sound synthesis (Sonological reports ; no. 5)
  • Bayle, François: Erosphère
  • Beauchamp, James W.: A computer system for time-variant harmonic analysis and synthesis of musical tones (Technical report ; no. 15 / University of Illinois, School of Music, Experimental Music Studio)
  • Beauchamp, James W.: A report on the Magnavox sponsored research investigation ”The development of new electronic systems for generating musical sound” (Technical report ; no. 10 / University of Illinois, School of Music, Experimental Music Studio)
  • Beauchamp, James W.: A statement of progress on the research investigation, ’Generation and creation of new electronic sounds’
  • Bennett, Gerald: Research at IRCAM in 1978 (Rapports IRCAM ; 19/79)
  • Bilbao, Stefan: Numerical sound synthesis : finite difference schemes and simulation in musical acoustics
  • Bjurman, Jens: Elektronmusikstudion : ett förteckningsarbete
  • Bjurman, Jens: EMS arkivförteckning
  • Bäckström, Per: Vårt brokigas ochellericke! : om experimentell poesi
  • Cooke, Lynne & Kelly, Karen (red.): Max Neuhaus : Times Square, Time Piece Beacon
  • Demers, Joanna: Listening through the noise : the aesthetics of experimental electronic music
  • Fucks, Wilhelm: Mathematische Analyse der Formalstruktur von Musik (Forschungsberichte des Wirtschafts- und Verkehrsministeriums Nordrhein-Westfalen ; Nr. 357)
  • Gardner, John: Computer facilities for music at IRCAM, as of October, 1977 (Rapports IRCAM ; 3/78)
  • Hansen, Sven & Wedin, Aaby: Mikrofoner för TV-film (Tekniska Utbildningens serie / Sveriges Radio ; nr 6)
  • Hiller, Lejaren A.: Report on contemporary experimental music, 1961 (Technical report ; no. 4 / University of Illinois, School of Music, Experimental Music Studio)
  • Hiller, Lejaren A.: Seven electronic studies for two-channel tape recorder (1963) (Technical report ; no. 6 / University of Illinois, School of Music, Experimental Music Studio)
  • IRCAM: Annual report 1990
  • Jensen, Erik Granly & LaBelle, Brandon: Radio territories
  • Küpper, Leo: Couleurs sinusoidales et potentiels d’attraction des sons sinusoidaux
  • Nyquist, Bengt & Valentin, Karl-Otto: Musikteknik (Tekniska Utbildningens serie / Sveriges Radio ; nr 12)
  • Nösselt, Volker: Die Tonhöhenbewegungsinformation und ihre Perzeptionsverhaltensweisen in Geräuschen : intern rapport : Maart 1966. Deel I
  • Nösselt, Volker: Die Tonhöhenbewegungsinformation und ihre Perzeptionsverhaltensweisen in Geräuschen : intern rapport : Maart 1966. Deel II
  • Peters, G. David: Research and development in computer-assisted instruction in music at the University of Illinois
  • Reynolds, Roger: Explorations in sound/space manipulation, I (1975) (Reports from the center : an occasional series of publications by the Center for Music Experiment and Related Research, University of California at San Diego ; vol. 1, no.1)
  • Risset, Jean-Claude: Hauteur et timbre des sons (Rapports IRCAM ; 11/78)
  • Risset, Jean-Claude: Paradoxes de hauteur (Rapports IRCAM ; 10/78)
  • Rydbeck, Olof: I maktens närhet : diplomat, radiochef, FN-ämbetsman
  • Sicko, Dan: Techno rebels : the renegades of electronic funk
  • Statens kulturråd: Uppföljning av Access (Kulturrådets skriftserie 2010:1)
  • Stenberg, Ulf: Den allvarsamme skrattaren
  • Struycken, Peter: Linarc (Sonological reports ; no. 3)
  • Toop, David: Sinister resonance : the mediumship of the listener
  • Trautmann, Lutz & Rabenstein, Rudolf: Digital sound synthesis by physical modeling using the functional transformation method

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