New books
- Priest, Gail (ed.): Experimental music : audio explorations in Australia
- Perloff, Marjorie & Dworkin, Craig: The sound of poetry, the poetry of sound
- Boulanger, Richard & Lazzarini, Victor: The audio programming book
- Cipriani, Alessandro & Giri, Maurizio: Electronic music and sound design : theory and practice with Max/MSP. Vol. 1
- Farnell, Andy: Designing sound
- Daniels, Dieter & Naumann, Sandra (ed.): See this sound : audiovisuology 2 : essays : histories and theories of audiovisual media and art
- Erlandsson, Thomas: Ljudinstallationer i Sveriges utemiljö : examensarbete i landskapsarkitektur
- Fylkingen: Fylkingen 1933-1959 : utgiven med anledning av kammarmusikföreningen Fylkingens tjugofemårsjubileum
- Leitner, Bernhard: Ton-Raum TU Berlin
- Johnsson, Bo: Analoga kretsar. A, Faktabok
- Johnsson, Bo: Grundläggande elektronik : elektronik 2000. Faktabok
- Molin, Bengt: Analog elektronik
- Karlsson, David: En kulturutredning : pengar, konst och politik
- Peterson, Lars: Det kulturella kapitalet : kritik av kultursponsringen
- Rånlund, Sven ; Österling, Fredrik & Östersjö, Stefan (Horisont): Handlingsplan för den nutida konstmusiken
- Stålhammar, Maria & Wiklander, Nils: Lyssna! : en festivalrapport
- The Swedish dance history
- Wiggen, Knut: Att spela piano
- The sound projector 16-19
- Dhomont, Francis (ed.): L'espace du son
- INA-GRM: Le traité des objets musicaux 10 ans après (Cahiers recherche/musique 2)
- INA-GRM: Synthétiseur ordinateur (Cahiers recherche/musique 3)
- Ruschkowski, André: Soundscapes : elektronische Klangerzeugung und Musik
- Beauchamp, James W. & Von Foerster, Heinz: Music by computers
- Howe, Hubert S.: Electronic music synthesis
- The arts & technology : a symposium, April 9-12, 1986, at Connecticut College
- The arts & technology II : a symposium, February 2-5, 1989, Connecticut College
- Proceedings : the fourth biennial Arts & Technology Symposium, March 4-7, 1993, Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut
- Strawn, John (ed.): Music and digital technology : the proceedings of the AES 5th international conference, [Los Angeles, California, 1987, May 1-3]
- Leopoldseder, Hannes (ed.): Der Prix ars electronica [1994] : internationales Kompendium der Computerkünste = international compendium of the computer arts
- Leopoldseder, Hannes & Schöpf, Christine (ed.): Der Prix ars electronica 95 : internationales Kompendium der Computerkünste = international compendium of the computer arts
- Austin, Larry & Clarke, Thomas (ed.): Proceedings : 1981 International Computer Music Conference November 5-8 : presented by the School of Music and the Union Program Council North Texas State University, Denton, Texas USA
- International Computer Music Conference 1984 = Conference internationale d’informatique musicale, 19-23 octobre, Paris, France
- Berg, Paul (ed.): Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Royal Conservatory, The Hague, Netherlands, October 20-24, 1986
- Beauchamp, James (ed.): Proceedings of the 1987 International Computer Music Conference : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois USA, August 23-26, 1987
- Lischka, Christoph & Fritsch, Johannes (ed.): Proceedings of the 14th International Computer Music Conference, Cologne, September 20-25, 1988
- Wells, Thomas & Butler, David (ed.): Proceedings : 1989 International Computer Music Conference, November 2-5, the Ohio State University, Columbus
- Arnold, Stephen & Hair, Graham (ed.): Proceedings : ICMC, Glasgow 1990
- Alphonce, Bo & Pennycook, Bruce (ed.): Proceedings : ICMC, International Computer Music Conference, Montreal 1991
- Strange, Allen (ed.): Proceedings : International Computer Music Conference, San José, California, October 14-18, 1992
- Ohteru, Sadamu (ed.): Proceedings of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference, September 10-15, 1993, International Computer Music Association and Waseda University
- Siegel, Wayne & Brandorff, Steffen (ed.) : Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 1994 : [the human touch]
- Proceedings : International Computer Music Conference : digital playgrounds : September 3-7, 1995
- Ayers, Lydia & Horner, Andrew (ed.): Proceedings of the 1996 International Computer Music Conference, August 19-24, 1996
- Rikakis, Thanassis & Cook, Perry R. (ed.): Proceedings : International Computer Music Conference 1997 : Thessaloniki, Hellas, 25-30 September, 1997
- ICMC99 : 1999 International Computer Music Conference, Beijing, China : program
- Tarkka, Minna (ed.): ISEA' 94 Catalogue
- Actes : 6e Symposium des arts électroniques, septembre 1995 = Proceedings : 6th International Symposium on Electronic Art, September 1995 : ISEA 95, Montréal
- Friberg, Anders ; Iwarsson, Jenny ; Jansson, Erik & Sundberg, Johan (ed.): SMAC 93 : proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference July 28-August 1, 1993
- Workshop on artificial intelligence and music, Tuesday, August 7, 1990 : abstracts : ECAI - European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, Sweden, August 6-10, 1990
- DeLio, Thomas (ed.): Contiguous lines : issues and ideas in the music of the '60's and '70's
- Dibelius, Ulrich: Moderne Musik. [1], 1945-1965 : Voraussetzungen, Verlauf, Material
- Kolleritsch, Otto: Zur Neuen Einfachheit in der Musik
- Morthenson, Jan W.: Nonfigurative Musik
- Neuland : Ansätze zur Musik der Gegenwart : Jahrbuch. Band 1
- Neuland : Ansätze zur Musik der Gegenwart : Jahrbuch. Band 3
- Neuland : Ansätze zur Musik der Gegenwart : Jahrbuch. Band 4
- Stürzbecher, Ursula: Werkstattgespräche mit Komponisten
- Zimmerschied, Dieter (ed.): Perspektiven neuer Musik : Material und didaktische Information
- Kolisch, Rudolf & Türcke, Berthold: Zur Theorie der Aufführung : ein Gespräch mit Berthold Türcke (Musik-Konzepte 29/30)
- Evangelisti, Franco: Franco Evangelisti (Musik-Konzepte 43/44)
- Kagel, Mauricio: Worte über Musik : Gespräche, Aufsätze, Reden, Hörspiele
- Gottfried Michael Koenig (Musik-Konzepte 66)
- Sabbe, Herman: György Ligeti : Studien zur kompositorischen Phänomenologie (Musik-Konzepte 53)
- Sabbe, Herman: Karlheinz Stockhausen : ... wie die Zeit verging ... (Musik-Konzepte 19)
- Garland, Peter (ed.): Soundings 13 : the music of James Tenney
- Der Komponist Isang Yun
- Erickson, Robert: Sound structure in music
- Gabrielsson, Alf: Action and perception in rhythm and music : papers given at a symposium in the Third International Conference on Event Perception and Action [Uppsala, 1985]
- Lerdahl, Fred & Jackendoff, Ray S.: A generative theory of tonal music
- Meyer, Leonard B.: Emotion and meaning in music
- Pressing, Jeff: Synthesizer performance
- Kosko, Bart: Fuzzy thinking : the new science of fuzzy logic
- Kreuzer, Franz: Gödel-Satz, Möbius-Schleife, Computer-Ich : Franz Kreuzer im Gespräch mit Paul Watzlawick, Werner Schimanovich, Eckehart Köhler, Paul Badura-Skoda und Werner Leinfellner
- Richards, Whitman (ed.): Natural computation
- Risset, Jean-Claude: An introductory catalogue of computer synthesized sounds
- Gravesaner Blätter 18
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