Wednesday, 10 October 2012

eOREMA journal call

"The eOREMA journal is a peer-reviewed scholarly arm of the OREMA (Online Repository for Electroacoustic Music Analysis) project ( that focuses on the analysis of electroacoustic music. The eOREMA journal will be an open access publication platform that accepts both articles that discuss analytical methodologies and analyses of electroacoustic music compositions in the broadest sense (which can range from acousmatic music to installations and electronica). We encourage both new and established researchers to contribute."

Deadline for paper submissions: Friday 4th of January 2013. More info

Thursday, 4 October 2012

New books and CDs in EMS' library

Many thanks to Andrés Lewin-Richter who has donated 21 CDs with Spanish contemporary and electroacoustic music to EMS' library:
  • Foro de comunicaciones electroacústicas. Vol II-III
  • ICMC 2005 : free sound
  • Balsach, Llorenç: Música concreta
  • Berenguer, José Manuel: On nothing
  • Brnčić, Gabriel: Barcelona: Músiques 1974-2011, Gabriel Brnčić
  • Callejo, Lluís: Lluís Callejo
  • Capdevila, Mercè: Zas : música vertical
  • Elvira, Julián: Obres per a flauta i electrònica
  • Ferrer, Carlos: Gil Obres per a trombó i electrònica
  • Giner, Xelo: Obres per a saxòfon i electrònica
  • Iglesias, Lito: Obres per a violoncel i electrònica
  • Jara, Jesús: Obres per a tuba i electrònica
  • Lewin-Richter, Andrés: Andrés Lewin-Richter 1-2
  • Padrós, David: Jo-ha-kyu
  • Parra, Hector: L’aube assaillie : música de cambra
  • Quadreny, Mestres: L’estro aleatorio
  • Ribera Torres, Manel: El món d’Ulisses
  • Rossinyol, Jordi: Lapsus : música de cambra
It's been a while since I reported new stuff, so many of the items below aren't really new anymore. Please note that many of our books (and a few CDs/DVDs) are available in the Music and theatre library catalogue. If you don't live in Stockholm, you can borrow an EMS book as an interlibrary loan ("fjärrlån", ask your local library).

New books
  • Black fat soil = Svart fet jord
  • Harmony and tonality : papers given at a seminar organized by the Music Acoustics Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music
  • OEI nr 55 2011 : on tape
  • Kommentare zur neuen Musik, 1
  • Ackerfeldt, Carl: Depeche Mode : världens mest originella band?
  • Agostini, Luigi: Creating soundscapes
  • Aikin, Jim: Csound power! : the comprehensive guide
  • Anderberg, Carl-Olof: Hän mot en ljudkonst
  • Andersson, Kent: Tendenser inom den moderna musikelektronikkulturen
  • Arrhenius, Sara & Bergh, Magnus: Resan till månen = A trip to the moon
  • Asplund, Pär: Analoga modulära synthesizers : diskussioner kring design
  • Bijsterveld, Karin & Dijck, José van (ed.): Sound souvenirs : audio technologies, memory and cultural practices
  • Breatnach, Mary: Boulez and Mallarmé : a study in poetic influence
  • Bucht, Gunnar: Född på Krigsstigen : minnesbilder, människor, musik
  • Butler, Mark J. (ed.): Electronica, dance and club music
  • Clarke, Eric F. & Emmerson, Simon (ed.): Music, mind and structure
  • Crook, Tim: Radio drama : theory and practice
  • Danchev, Alex (ed.): 100 artists' manifestos
  • Documenta (13 : 2012 : Kassel, Germany): Das Begleitbuch = The guidebook
  • Dolk, Kalle & Ottem, Bernt Johan: Musik & data
  • Duncan, John: John Duncan : Los Angeles, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Scrutto
  • Electroacoustic Music Studies Conference: Sforzando! : June 14-18, 2011, New York City
  • Eriksson, Michael: Jean-Michel Jarre : musiken 1976-1986
  • Eriksson, Michael: Play it again, SID : datorspelsmusiken för Commodore 64
  • Escrivan Rincón, Julio d': Music technology
  • Freedman, Camilla: Elektronmusikprojektet på Kärsbyskolan : 1986-1989
  • Grundmann, Heidi: Re-inventing radio : aspects of radio as art
  • Gärdenfors, Dan: Towards musical hypermedia : an investigation of the possibilities of non-sequential music
  • Hambraeus, Bengt: Aspects of twentieth century performance practice : memories and reflections
  • Hansson, Olof: Efva Lilja och musiken : en studie av Efva Liljas arbete med musik och tonsättare i produktionen Byen Viso
  • Harper, Adam: Infinite music : imagining the next millennium of human music-making
  • Hein, Folkmar & Seelig, Thomas: Internationale Dokumentation elektroakustischer Musik = International documentation of electroacoustic music
  • Holmes, Thom: Electronic and experimental music : technology, music, and culture (4th ed.)
  • Kiefer, Peter (ed.): Klangräume der Kunst
  • Klanten, Robert ; Ehmann, Sven & Hanschke, Verena: A touch of code : interactive installations and experiences
  • LaBelle, Brandon & Martinho, Cláudia (ed.): Site of sound #2 : of architecture and the ear
  • LaBelle, Brandon & Migone, Christof (ed.): Writing aloud : the sonics of language
  • Lidbo, Håkan & Lidbo, Johan: Spelskalle : 60 spel med vardagslivet som insats
  • Machado, Penousal ; Romero, Juan & Carballal, Adrian (ed.): Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design : First International Conference, EvoMUSART 2012. Proceedings
  • McAdams, Stephen: Music and psychology : a mutual regard
  • Migone, Christof: Christof Migone : sound voice perform
  • Millroth, Thomas: Man får förlora sig
  • Museum of Contemporary Art Roskilde: Simple interactions : sound art from Japan : September 24th - December 18th 2011
  • Nordeson, Kjell: Cage och Fylkingen
  • Nylén, Magnus: Fluxus och den experimentella musiken
  • Nyström, Lars-Olof: Digital kreativitet : bland låtskrivare, digitala pirater, tonsättare, hemstudiopulare, musiker, kompositörer och deras maskiner
  • Olofsson, Charlie (ed.): Musik och genus : röster om normer, hierarkier och förändring
  • Olofsson, Martin: De futuristiska musikerna och Einstürzende Neubauten : en jämförelse av bullerestetik
  • Olsson, Erik: David Tudor och kompositörens nya roller
  • Paulsson, Johanna: Avantgardistisk musik & äcklandets estetik : en musiksociologiskt inriktad studie av de provokativa dragen hos Throbbing Gristle
  • Perle, George: Serial composition and atonality : an introduction to the music of Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern
  • Perrine, Jake: Producing music with Ableton Live 8
  • Perrine, Jake: Sound design, mixing, and mastering with Ableton Live
  • Peters Deniz ; Eckel, Gerhard & Dorschel, Andreas (ed.): Bodily expression in electronic music : perspectives on reclaiming performativity
  • Ptak, Anna (ed.): Re-tooling residences : a closer look at the mobility of art professionals
  • Schafer, R. Murray: The new soundscape : a handbook for the modern music teacher
  • Schnupp, Jan ; Nelken, Israel & King, Andrew: Auditory neuroscience : making sense of sound
  • Stockhausen, Karlheinz: Texte ... Bd 1-4
  • Stravinskij, Igor & Craft, Robert: Samtal med Stravinskij. 2
  • Strohecker, Nino: Victims : a film
  • Sverige. Utredningen om en nationell musikplattform: I samspel med musiklivet : en ny nationell plattform för musiken : slutbetänkande
  • Ternhag, Gunnar & Wingstedt, Johnny: På tal om musikproduktion : elva bidrag till ett nytt kunskapsområde
  • Thomas, Ernst (ed.): Darmstädter Beiträge zur Neuen Musik 1961
  • Thyrén, David: Brian Eno : en undersökning av Enos musik
  • Törnblom, Folke H.: Att läsa partitur
  • Zorn, John (ed.): Arcana V : music, magic and mysticism
New CDs and DVDs
  • Cache 2005
  • Cache 2006
  • Computer music journal : sound and video anthology. Volume 35, 2011
  • Cage, John: Variations VII (9 evenings : theatre and engineering)
  • Petersson, Mattias: Floodlight
  • Rauschenberg, Robert: Open score (9 evenings : theatre and engineering)
  • Tudor, David: Bandoneon ! : (a combine) (9 evenings : theatre and engineering)
 (The full catalogue can be found here: