Sunday, 30 October 2011

New books and CDs in EMS' library

A few of the books below were a gift from Johan Boberg. Thanks, Johan!

New books
  • Adams, John Luther: The place where you go to listen : in search of an ecology of music
  • Adams, Randy ; Arisona, Stefan Müller & Gibson, Steve (ed.): Transdisciplinary digital art
  • Alfredsson, Johan: "Tro mig på min ort" : oöversättligheten som tematiskt komplex i Bengt Emil Johnsons poesi 1973-1982
  • Allen, Greg: Klaus Schulze : electronic music legend
  • Appleton, Jon H. & Perera, Ronald C. (ed.): The development and practice of electronic music
  • Austin, Larry & Kahn, Douglas: Source : music of the avant-garde, 1966-1973
  • Beins, Burkhard et al.: Echtzeitmusik Berlin : Selbstbestimmung einer Szene = Self-defining a scene
  • Bohman, Stefan ; Lundberg, Dan & Ternhag, Gunnar (ed.): Musikinstrument berättar : instrumentforskning idag
  • Cádiz, Rodrigo: Computer music control by fuzzy logic : theory and applications
  • Dzuverovic, Lina & Neset, Anne Hilde (ed.): Her noise
  • Edwards, Folke (ed.): Futuristisk teater & film
  • Ehlin, Fredrik (ed.): Lina Selander : the space of memory
  • Erlmann, Veit: Reason and resonance : a history of modern aurality
  • Focke, Anne (ed.): Trimpin : contraptions for art and sound
  • Forrest, Peter: The A-Z of analogue synthesisers. A-M
  • Forrest, Peter: The A-Z of analogue synthesisers. N-Z
  • Gann, Kyle: No such thing as silence : John Cage's 4'33
  • Garcia-Valenzuela, Pablo: Aesthetic in temporal forces and electroacoustic composition
  • Geisler, Ursula & Rosengren, Henrik (ed.): "Min tid ska komma" : Gustav Mahler i tvärvetenskaplig belysning
  • Giannoulakis, Stelios: Relationships: fusion and dialectic : portfolio of electroacoustic compositions
  • Goodale, Greg: Sonic persuasion : reading sound in the recorded age / Greg Goodale
  • Gorges, Peter & Sasso, Len: The Wizoo pro guide to Nord Modular
  • Griffiths, Paul: Modern music : a concise history
  • Gustafson, Klas: Levande musik i hela landet : Rikskonserter från början till slut
  • Henderson, Dave: Journey to a plugged in state of mind : electronic music : a century of exploration and exploitation
  • Henry, Otto W .: A preliminary checklist: books and articles on electronic music
  • Hermele, Vanja: I väntan på vadå? : Teaterförbundets guide till jämställdhet
  • Hermele, Vanja: Konsten - så funkar det (inte)
  • Honing, Henkjan: Musical cognition : a science of listening
  • Iannis Xenakis (Musik-Konzepte 54/55)
  • Izhaki, Roey: Mixing audio : concepts, practices and tools
  • Jansma, Linda Seiffarth, Carsten (ed.): Seeing sound : Gordon Monahan : sound art, performance and music 1978-2011
  • Karkoschka, Erhard: Das Schriftbild der Neuen Musik
  • Kelly, Caleb (ed.): Sound
  • Kommittén för jämställdhet inom scenkonstområdet: Plats på scen : betänkande
  • Matossian, Nouritza: Xenakis
  • Nielsén, Tobias & Nilsson, Sven: Kultursverige 2040 : vad vi vet, vad vi tror, vad vi vill
  • Nordwall, Ove (ed.): Från Mahler till Ligeti : en antologi om vår tids musik
  • Oliveros, Pauline: Sounding the margins : collected writings 1992-2009
  • Pearson, Matt: Generative art : a practical guide using processing
  • Qian, Jinyu: Virtual sound localization with modified spectral cues
  • Rainer, Cosima et al. (ed.): See this sound : Versprechungen von Bild und Ton = Promises of sound and vision
  • Rikskonserter i siffror
  • Russolo, Luigi : The art of noises
  • Sauer, Theresa: Notations 21
  • Selander, Lina ; Termaenius, Johan & Vogel, Felix: Around the cave of the double tombs
  • Sigal, Rodrigo: Compositional strategies in electroacoustic music : generating materials and creating an effective musical language in electroacoustic music
  • Sounding code : Supercollider symposium 2010, 18-26/09/2010
  • Sundin, Paulina: Re-inventing harmony in electroacoustic music : a commentary on my recent music
  • Sinnreich, Aram: Mashed up : music, technology, and the rise of configurable culture
  • Stolpmann, Bjoern: Beats and bytes : die Enstehung von Digitallabel für elektronische Musik
  • Ungeheuer, Elena (ed.): Handbuch der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert. Bd 5, Elektroakustische Musik
  • Varga, Bálint Andrés: Conversations with Iannis Xenakis
  • Wilson, Scott; Cottle, David & Collins, Nick (ed.): The SuperCollider book
  • Zölzer, Udo (ed.): DAFX : digital audio effects
  • Österberg, Eva: Tystnader och tider : samtal med historien
New papers/articles
  • Cowley, Julian: The Swedish sound art : don't call it sound art if the term shocks you
  • Delalande, François: Music analysis and reception behaviours: Sommeil by Pierre Henry
  • Eriksson, Tor: Leo Nilsson
  • Kendale-Green, Bruce: Rune Lindblad : the pioneer of Swedish electronic music. Part 1, The concrete music from 1953 to 1972
  • Orrghen, Anna & Bodin, Lars-Gunnar: Lars-Gunnar Bodin : en intervju : 5 september 2007
  • Orrghen, Anna & Morthenson, Jan W.: Jan W. Morthenson : en intervju : 17 augusti 2007
  • Orrghen, Anna & Sundqvist, Göran: Göran Sundqvist : en intervju : 31 augusti 2007
  • Wiggen, Knut: Elektronmusikens utveckling och dess ställning i Sverige
New scores
  • Stockhausen, Karlheinz: Kontakte : für elektronische Klänge, Klavier und Schlagzeug
  • Stockhausen, Karlheinz: Studie II : elektronische Musik : 1954
New CDs
  • Computer music journal : sound and video anthology. Volume 33, 2009
  • Computer music journal : sound and video anthology. Volume 34, 2010
  • Isolrubin BK [Lustmord]: Crash Injury Trauma
  • Lustmord: Other dub
  • Lustmord: Other
  • Lustmord: Songs of Gods and Demons

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Even more calls

Please note that this page is no longer updated.

This is a list of conference calls for 2013. Please note that, though I only list deadlines for paper submissions, many of these conferences also accept music and performances. Links to past conferences are at

CMMR 2013. 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Modelling and Retrieval/Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research 2013, "Sound, Music & Motion", October 15th – 18th 2013, CNRS - Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique, Marseille, France. Paper submission deadline: June 15th 2013

ISMIR 2013. 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 4th - 8th of November 2013, Curitiba, Brazil (organized by PUCPR). Paper submission deadline: 10 May 2013

NIME 2014. 14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), June 30 - July 3, 2014, Goldsmiths University of London, London, UK. Paper draft submission (mandatory): January 31, 2014