Saturday, 27 March 2010

SuperCollider Symposium 2010 call for Submissions

SuperCollider Symposium 2010 Berlin

We would like to announce that we are hosting the next SuperCollider Symposium in Berlin, September 23-26, 2010. Berlin is a very attractive city for artists and has great diverse and lively music scenes. We have found some great locations for concerts, workshops and conference talks, and we are currently finalizing the rest of the locations and will provide more detailed information on our website shortly.

The symposium will introduce SuperCollider (SC) to new users, show the current state of development, and host talks and presentations of a variety of artistic and/or scientific projects realised with SC. The 4-day conference will be preceeded by 5 days of workshops intended as community service to help beginning programmers, composers and artists with specific SuperCollider techniques. All Concerts, performances and exhibitions will be open to the public.

Call for Works, Installations, Papers, Workshops
We are now inviting proposals for participation in the fourth SuperCollider Symposium in Berlin, Germany, September 23-26, 2010.

You can propose works or installations to be performed or shown in different venues:

You can propose papers and presentations to be read at the conference:

You can propose workshops to be held in September 18-22, 2010

Please read the general info for calls:

All entries will be evaluated by appropriate juries (for details see individual calls).

For more information and contacts go to

Symposion on Music/Sonic Art call for papers

In conjunction with InterSymp 2010: 22nd International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics

Symposion on Music/Sonic Art

August 2-6, 2010
Markgraf-Ludwig Gymnasium, Hardstrasse 2, Baden-Baden, Germany

We are pleased to announce the International Symposium on Music/Sonic Art: Practices and Theories, an interdisciplinary two-day event to be held in Baden-Baden, Germany. The provisional dates of the Symposium are August 2-3 in order that participants can also attend other symposia such as: the 8th Special Focus Symposium on Art and Science, the 3rd Symposium on Systems Research in Arts and Humanities and Comprovisations: Improvisation Systems in Performing Arts and Technologies.

Proposals for sessions and individual papers for the International Symposium on Music/Sonic Art: Practices and Theories are invited from academics, practitioners and post-graduate students of diverse fields of investigation, according to one of the following formats: academic research paper (including research in progress), report on practice-based work or educational programmes. (Delegates wishing to present performances are advised to consult the call for papers of symposia listed above.) All proposals will be judged based on their scholarly quality, originality and potential for further discourse.

Paper Proposals/Abstracts should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than March 30, 2010. Notification of Acceptance and a Paper Template will be sent to authors by April 9, 2010. Further details on Submission Guidelines, the Copyright Transfer Form, and the Conference Registration Form are available at the IIAS home page:

Please note that the early registration fee is 345.00 Euros (per one Conference participant) if paid on or before May 1, 2010 and 395.00 Euros thereafter: this includes participation in all Symposia of the IIAS InterSymp 2010 Conference, the festive reception, the symposium booklets and the Music/Sonic Art Symposium Proceedings - Volume I.

Paper committee: Prof. Dr. Mine Dogantan-Dack (Middlesex University, UK); Prof. Clarence Barlow (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA); Holger Zschenderlein (University of Brighton, UK); Fiorenzo Palermo (University of Middlesex, UK); Dr. John Dack (Lansdown Centre for Electronic Art, Middlesex University, UK).

Sound ACTs call for papers

Sound as Art - Sound in Culture
Sound in Theory - Sound in History
Conference on Sound Studies

University of Aarhus, Denmark
September 23–25, 2010

The aim of the conference is to profile contemporary sound studies as an interdisciplinary field of studies and to contribute to the discussion and development of the auditive paradigm in general. Key concepts like 'acoustemology', 'acoustic space', 'sonic environment', and 'atmosphere' might be reflected upon and developed as well, both at a theoretical level and with regard to specific cultural, medial and aesthetic contexts.

The program of the conference will consist of keynote lectures, plenary roundtables, thematic workshops and individual presentations of papers and sound art projects. Keynote speakers are Dr. Penelope Gouk (University of Manchester), Dr. Jean-Paul Thibaud (CRESSON), and professor Adam Krims (University of Nottingham).

Special sessions will be held for sound artists to present and discuss their work, and a workshop will take place on Friday where small groups of sound artists will develop sound installations for presentation in the evening. A special call for this stream will be issued.

The conference is organized by the National Research Network on Auditive Culture, the research project Audiovisual Culture, the research group Urban Sound Institute (and, and the Nordic Branch of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music.

Proposals for presentations (20/10 mins) or workshops (90 mins) must be submitted to the conference organisers/programme committee by April 1, 2010 as an email attachment (rtf/pdf/doc) to Please include the following information: Paper abstract and title (max. 200 words), name(s), affiliation, e-mail, and technical equipment required (PC/DVD/CD/data projector/over-head projector/etc.). Notifications of acceptance will be sent no later than May 3, 2010.

The official language of the conference is English. The conference fee is 1.000 D.Kr/€135.

For more info, see

Monday, 15 March 2010

New books in EMS' library

  • Teknologi för livet : om Experiments in Art and Technology
  • Adlington, Robert (ed.): Sound commitments : avant-garde music and the sixties
  • Blomberg, Katja (ed.): Peter Ablinger : hören, hören = hearing, listening
  • Broman, Per F. ; Engebretsen, Nora A. & Alphonce, Bo (ed.): Crosscurrents and counterpoints : offerings in honor of Bengt Hambræus at 70
  • Bucht, Gunnar: Rum, människa, musik : essä
  • Bull, Michael & Back, Les (eds.): The auditory culture reader
  • Collins, Nick: Introduction to computer music
  • Dogantan-Dack, Mine: Recorded music : philosophical and critical reflections
  • Dyson, Frances: Sounding new media : immersion and embodiment in the arts and culture
  • Goodman, Steve: Sonic warfare : sound, affect, and the ecology of fear
  • Howe, Hubert S.: Electronic music synthesis
  • Hultgren, Veronica: Text-ljudkomposition
  • Kim-Cohen, Seth: In the blink of an ear : toward a non-cochlear sonic art
  • Krause, Bernie: Wild soundscapes : discovering the voice of the natural world : a book and CD recording
  • Lunell, Hans: Kompilatorkonstruktion : i teori och praktik
  • Miranda, Eduardo Reck & Biles, John Al (eds.): Evolutionary computer music
  • Moore, Brian C. J.: An introduction to the psychology of hearing
  • Mossberg, Frans (ed.): Sound, mind and emotion : research and aspects : texts from a series of interdisciplinary symposiums arranged 2008 by The Sound Environment Centre at Lund University, Sweden
  • Nierhaus, Gerhard: Algorithmic composition : paradigms of automated music generation
  • Park, Tae Hong: Introduction to digital signal processing : computer musically speaking
  • Stenberg, Ulf: Den gröna potatisen
  • Taube, Heinrich K.: Notes from the metalevel : introduction to algorithmic music composition
  • Toole, Floyd E.: Sound reproduction : loudspeakers and rooms
  • Wierzbicki, James: Louis and Bebe Barron's Forbidden planet : a film score guide
  • Wisén, Marie & Karlsson, Henri (eds.): - att tvinga tonerna att tala : en bok till Ingvar Lidholm
  • Zorn, John (ed.): Arcana : musicians on music
  • Zorn, John (ed.): Arcana II : musicians on music
  • Zorn, John (ed.): Arcana III : musicians on music
  • Zorn, John (ed.): Arcana IV : musicians on music