- Acoustic Design - Björns webbplats
- Urban Sound Institute
- CRESSON - Centre de recherche sur l'espace sonore et l'environnement urbain
- World Forum for Acoustic Ecology
Friday, 25 April 2008
Björn Hellström föreläser på EMS den 29 april
Här är några länkar relaterade till Björn Hellström och hans föreläsning på EMS den 29 april kl. 18.30: "EAM i det utvidgade fältet: om den akusmatiska musikens betydelse för urban stadsplanering":
Skivbolagslistan uppdaterad
Skivbolagslistan är uppdaterad med:
Nisus. Text-ljud m.m. - Karl-Erik Tallmo
Treffpunkt. Improvisation, experimentell rock, noise - Jacob Riis, Anders Lindsjö
Nisus. Text-ljud m.m. - Karl-Erik Tallmo
Treffpunkt. Improvisation, experimentell rock, noise - Jacob Riis, Anders Lindsjö
Monday, 14 April 2008
DIMEA 2008
3rd ACM International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts
DIMEA 2008
10-12 September 2008
Athens Information Technology (AIT), Athens, Greece
Conference Web site: http://www.dimea2008.org
Full Papers and Art Works/Games/Demos Submission Deadline: May 12th, 2008
Workshop Proposals Deadline: April 15th, 2008
Tutorial Proposals Deadline: April 18th, 2008
The advances in computer entertainment, multi-player/online gaming, technology-enabled art, culture and performance have created new forms of entertainment that attract, immerse and absorb their participants. The phenomenal success of such a "culture" to initiate a mass audience in patterns and practices of its own consumption has supported the evolution of an enormously powerful mass entertainment, digital art and performance industry extending deeply into every aspect of our lives, leading further to major societal and business contacting changes.
The International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts (DIMEA), in cooperation with ACM, is the premier forum for the presentation of societal, business and technological advances and research results in cross-disciplinary areas related with digital interactive media in entertainment, art and creative technologies. This conference is dedicated to build common ground between research, design and development, learning and collaboration in its myriad digital media forms: one of its many objectives is the exploration of 'play & learn', demonstrating new arenas and applications for digital gaming and incorporating leading edge technologies, designs and models in our changing views about what is involved in gaming.
DIMEA 2008 is jointly organized by Athens Information Technology (AIT), ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (ACM SIGCHI, Singapore Chapter) and the Society for Excellence and Innovation in Interactive Experience Design (InExDe).
DIMEA 2008 will bring together academics, technologists, artists, designers, and industry representatives to address and advance the leading edge of new digital and interactive media.
Who should attend:
Academics, Animators, Artists, Designers, Developers, Educators, Engineers, Game Designers, Industry Professionals, Media Industry, Video Producers, Directors, Writers, Performers, Photographers, Videographers, Researchers, Students. Anyone who wants to be inspired to adopt advanced ways in industry, society, business, research and teaching, expand their knowledge on a wide variety of topics within the field of digital media, network with cross-disciplinary experts from digital media professionals to academic experts, and evolve with this ever-changing field!
DIMEA 2008 is one of the few conferences that combines full technical papers as well as artwork/game/demo submissions, to accomodate, after evaluation and selection, both technical oral sessions as well as artwork/game/demo exhibition sessions. For each one of the two tracks of the conference further information is separately provided below.
Technical Conference Track
The following, non exclusive, topics are called for:
* Entertainment, Art and Technology
Location-based and Pervasive Gaming, Mobile Entertainment, Digital Games in Practice, Computer Entertainment Research, Open-Source Gaming Engines, Implications for Multimedia and Web Design, Artistic Games, Commercial Games, Edutainment, Educational/Serious Games, Interactive Games, Games as Pedagogy, Analysis of Games, e-Performance (e-Opera,e-Theatre, e-Concert, ...), Virtual Exhibitions and Museums
* New Media Emerging Technologies
Personal Broadcasting (Podcasting and Vlogging), Novel Applications for Mobile Phones, Social and Interactive Computing Applications, Collaborative Spaces/Environments, Innovative Applications of Technology in the Arts, Mixed Reality and Enhanced Visualization, Context-aware Environments and Devices, Immersive Learning Experiences, Communication Technologies and Systems for Digital Media, Advanced Authoring and Composition of Media, Advanced Interaction, Targeted/Personalized Media, Adaptable Media and AI
* Code Art
Algorithmic Art, Software Art, Net Art, Installation Art, Tangible Computing, Sonic Art
* Digital Visual and Auditory Media
Digital Photography, Digital Imaging as Art, Advances in 3D Modelling, Digital Printing, Non-Photorealistic Rendering, Digital Sound and Music, Digital Music Synthesis and Composition, Graphics and Animations, Digital Comics
* Moving Media
Digital Video, Distance Collaboration/Performance, Computer Animation, Interactive Movies
* Culture of New Media
Network Culture, Philosophy of New Media, Digital Identity
* Interactive Stories
Digital Narrative, Digital Asset Management, Semantic Web Technologies, Interactive Television and Cinema, Game Design and Storytelling
Full Paper Submissions
Prospective authors are invited to submit full technical papers of not more than 8 pages, including tables, figures and references at the conference online paper submission system. Prospective authors should adhere to the conference full paper submission guidelines. Full Papers should present original research related to the above mentioned scientific areas, not published elsewhere. Please refer to the conference Web site (http;//www.dimea2008.org) for detailed submission guidelines. Full papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers from the International Technical Program Committee in a single-blind process, judging on their relevance, novelty and technical quality.
Art Work/Game/Demo Exhibition Conference Track
DIMEA 2008, with the participation of the MEDIATERRA FESTIVAL, aims to offer the opportunity to artists, independent creators, multimedia authors, programmers and theorists to exhibit their digital interactive rich-media works in art and entertainment, and at the same time to create a forum of communication, discussion and collaboration on advances in the already deployed practices.
We cordially invite artists, creators, designers, game developers, generally practitioners working with digital interactive media to submit their original contributions to the DIMEA2008 Artworks/Games/Demos exhibition track, in the context of the following five DIMEA 2008 subject art-related areas:
* Entertainment, Education, Art and Technology
Location-based and Pervasive Gaming, Mobile Entertainment, Digital Games in Practice, Computer Entertainment Research, Open-Source Gaming Engines, Implications for Multimedia and Web Design, Artistic Games, Edutainment, Educational/Serious Games, Interactive Games, Games as Pedagogy, e-Performance (e-Opera, e-Theatre, e-Concert, ...), Virtual Exhibitions and Museums
* New Media Emerging Technologies
Personal Broadcasting (Podcasting and Vlogging), Novel Applications for Mobile Phones, Social and Interactive Computing Applications, Collaborative Spaces/Environments, Innovative Applications of Technology in the Arts, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and Enhanced Visualization, Context-aware Environments and Devices, Immersive Learning Experiences, Communication Technologies and Systems for Digital Media, Advanced Authoring and Composition of Media, Advanced Interaction, Targeted/Personalized Media, Adaptable Media and AI, Semantic Web Technologies, Digital Identity
* Code Art
Algorithmic Art, Software Art, Net Art, Installation Art, Tangible Computing, Sonic Art, Artificial Entities
* Digital Visual and Moving Media
Computer Animation, Interactive Movies, Advances in 3D Modeling, Semantic-based Approaches, Real-time 3D
* Interactive Media
Digital Narrative, Interactive Television and Cinema, Interactive Drama, Interactive Storytelling
Art Work/Game/Demo Submission Guidelines
Practitioners in the above areas are invited to submit not more than 1 page short description of their Art Work/Demo/Game at the conference online paper submission system to be considered for demonstration at DIMEA2008. Submitting practitioners should adhere to the conference art work/game/demo submission guidelines, found at the conference Web site at http://www.dimea2008.org. Art Work/Game/Demo submissions will be reviewed by the respective Chairs and their formulated committees.
General Information
Accepted full papers or artworks/games/demos will be indexed at the ACM Digital Library and included in the Conference Proceedings.
At least one author/practitioner is required to attend the conference and present the accepted paper or demonstrate the selected digital artwork/game.
Tutorials and Seminars, Special Sessions and Industrial Exhibitions will additionally be organized during DIMEA2008.
Full Paper Submission: May 12, 2008
Art Work/Game/Demo Submission: May 12, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: June 20, 2008
Camera-ready Submission: June 30, 2008
Workshop Proposals Deadline: April 15, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: May 16, 2008
Tutorial Proposals Deadline: April 18, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: May 19, 2008
3rd ACM International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts
DIMEA 2008
10-12 September 2008
Athens Information Technology (AIT), Athens, Greece
Conference Web site: http://www.dimea2008.org
Full Papers and Art Works/Games/Demos Submission Deadline: May 12th, 2008
Workshop Proposals Deadline: April 15th, 2008
Tutorial Proposals Deadline: April 18th, 2008
The advances in computer entertainment, multi-player/online gaming, technology-enabled art, culture and performance have created new forms of entertainment that attract, immerse and absorb their participants. The phenomenal success of such a "culture" to initiate a mass audience in patterns and practices of its own consumption has supported the evolution of an enormously powerful mass entertainment, digital art and performance industry extending deeply into every aspect of our lives, leading further to major societal and business contacting changes.
The International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts (DIMEA), in cooperation with ACM, is the premier forum for the presentation of societal, business and technological advances and research results in cross-disciplinary areas related with digital interactive media in entertainment, art and creative technologies. This conference is dedicated to build common ground between research, design and development, learning and collaboration in its myriad digital media forms: one of its many objectives is the exploration of 'play & learn', demonstrating new arenas and applications for digital gaming and incorporating leading edge technologies, designs and models in our changing views about what is involved in gaming.
DIMEA 2008 is jointly organized by Athens Information Technology (AIT), ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (ACM SIGCHI, Singapore Chapter) and the Society for Excellence and Innovation in Interactive Experience Design (InExDe).
DIMEA 2008 will bring together academics, technologists, artists, designers, and industry representatives to address and advance the leading edge of new digital and interactive media.
Who should attend:
Academics, Animators, Artists, Designers, Developers, Educators, Engineers, Game Designers, Industry Professionals, Media Industry, Video Producers, Directors, Writers, Performers, Photographers, Videographers, Researchers, Students. Anyone who wants to be inspired to adopt advanced ways in industry, society, business, research and teaching, expand their knowledge on a wide variety of topics within the field of digital media, network with cross-disciplinary experts from digital media professionals to academic experts, and evolve with this ever-changing field!
DIMEA 2008 is one of the few conferences that combines full technical papers as well as artwork/game/demo submissions, to accomodate, after evaluation and selection, both technical oral sessions as well as artwork/game/demo exhibition sessions. For each one of the two tracks of the conference further information is separately provided below.
Technical Conference Track
The following, non exclusive, topics are called for:
* Entertainment, Art and Technology
Location-based and Pervasive Gaming, Mobile Entertainment, Digital Games in Practice, Computer Entertainment Research, Open-Source Gaming Engines, Implications for Multimedia and Web Design, Artistic Games, Commercial Games, Edutainment, Educational/Serious Games, Interactive Games, Games as Pedagogy, Analysis of Games, e-Performance (e-Opera,e-Theatre, e-Concert, ...), Virtual Exhibitions and Museums
* New Media Emerging Technologies
Personal Broadcasting (Podcasting and Vlogging), Novel Applications for Mobile Phones, Social and Interactive Computing Applications, Collaborative Spaces/Environments, Innovative Applications of Technology in the Arts, Mixed Reality and Enhanced Visualization, Context-aware Environments and Devices, Immersive Learning Experiences, Communication Technologies and Systems for Digital Media, Advanced Authoring and Composition of Media, Advanced Interaction, Targeted/Personalized Media, Adaptable Media and AI
* Code Art
Algorithmic Art, Software Art, Net Art, Installation Art, Tangible Computing, Sonic Art
* Digital Visual and Auditory Media
Digital Photography, Digital Imaging as Art, Advances in 3D Modelling, Digital Printing, Non-Photorealistic Rendering, Digital Sound and Music, Digital Music Synthesis and Composition, Graphics and Animations, Digital Comics
* Moving Media
Digital Video, Distance Collaboration/Performance, Computer Animation, Interactive Movies
* Culture of New Media
Network Culture, Philosophy of New Media, Digital Identity
* Interactive Stories
Digital Narrative, Digital Asset Management, Semantic Web Technologies, Interactive Television and Cinema, Game Design and Storytelling
Full Paper Submissions
Prospective authors are invited to submit full technical papers of not more than 8 pages, including tables, figures and references at the conference online paper submission system. Prospective authors should adhere to the conference full paper submission guidelines. Full Papers should present original research related to the above mentioned scientific areas, not published elsewhere. Please refer to the conference Web site (http;//www.dimea2008.org) for detailed submission guidelines. Full papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers from the International Technical Program Committee in a single-blind process, judging on their relevance, novelty and technical quality.
Art Work/Game/Demo Exhibition Conference Track
DIMEA 2008, with the participation of the MEDIATERRA FESTIVAL, aims to offer the opportunity to artists, independent creators, multimedia authors, programmers and theorists to exhibit their digital interactive rich-media works in art and entertainment, and at the same time to create a forum of communication, discussion and collaboration on advances in the already deployed practices.
We cordially invite artists, creators, designers, game developers, generally practitioners working with digital interactive media to submit their original contributions to the DIMEA2008 Artworks/Games/Demos exhibition track, in the context of the following five DIMEA 2008 subject art-related areas:
* Entertainment, Education, Art and Technology
Location-based and Pervasive Gaming, Mobile Entertainment, Digital Games in Practice, Computer Entertainment Research, Open-Source Gaming Engines, Implications for Multimedia and Web Design, Artistic Games, Edutainment, Educational/Serious Games, Interactive Games, Games as Pedagogy, e-Performance (e-Opera, e-Theatre, e-Concert, ...), Virtual Exhibitions and Museums
* New Media Emerging Technologies
Personal Broadcasting (Podcasting and Vlogging), Novel Applications for Mobile Phones, Social and Interactive Computing Applications, Collaborative Spaces/Environments, Innovative Applications of Technology in the Arts, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and Enhanced Visualization, Context-aware Environments and Devices, Immersive Learning Experiences, Communication Technologies and Systems for Digital Media, Advanced Authoring and Composition of Media, Advanced Interaction, Targeted/Personalized Media, Adaptable Media and AI, Semantic Web Technologies, Digital Identity
* Code Art
Algorithmic Art, Software Art, Net Art, Installation Art, Tangible Computing, Sonic Art, Artificial Entities
* Digital Visual and Moving Media
Computer Animation, Interactive Movies, Advances in 3D Modeling, Semantic-based Approaches, Real-time 3D
* Interactive Media
Digital Narrative, Interactive Television and Cinema, Interactive Drama, Interactive Storytelling
Art Work/Game/Demo Submission Guidelines
Practitioners in the above areas are invited to submit not more than 1 page short description of their Art Work/Demo/Game at the conference online paper submission system to be considered for demonstration at DIMEA2008. Submitting practitioners should adhere to the conference art work/game/demo submission guidelines, found at the conference Web site at http://www.dimea2008.org. Art Work/Game/Demo submissions will be reviewed by the respective Chairs and their formulated committees.
General Information
Accepted full papers or artworks/games/demos will be indexed at the ACM Digital Library and included in the Conference Proceedings.
At least one author/practitioner is required to attend the conference and present the accepted paper or demonstrate the selected digital artwork/game.
Tutorials and Seminars, Special Sessions and Industrial Exhibitions will additionally be organized during DIMEA2008.
Full Paper Submission: May 12, 2008
Art Work/Game/Demo Submission: May 12, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: June 20, 2008
Camera-ready Submission: June 30, 2008
Workshop Proposals Deadline: April 15, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: May 16, 2008
Tutorial Proposals Deadline: April 18, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: May 19, 2008
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